Trump, Israel, and the Need to Navigate the Global Chaos

Whether one likes Donald Trump or not, everyone agrees he has forever changed the landscape of American politics. The Donald’s scorched earth policy on his adversaries has not only worked to ensure he becomes the Republican nominee, it has upended the political and donor class of the US two party system.

No amount of will or force will be enough to give Americans what they crave.  The world has changed.

Americans have more or less opted to back a candidate who “will get things done,” rather than pay homage to the constitution and the framers’ vision of an exceptional nation.  The rest of the world has for many years seen things this way, yet for the US it has clung to a notion that it was different and special.  In truth, with spiraling debt, a waning military influence, and a generation of distracted spoiled youth, America may have in fact seen its best days behind it.  Of course this is what many out there, outside the beltway and big cities fear and this is exactly the type of fear Donald Trump draws his energy from.

No amount of will or force will be enough to give Americans what they crave.  The world has changed. The emerging economies of the East and Africa, coupled with innovation engines like Israel are changing the global dynamics overnight. It’s true Americans need a President that will get things done, but the Donald’s notion that one just needs to be a good manager and force a populist agenda will increase the chaotic downward spiral that American’s feel they are in.


Trump Ensures that Israel will Pivot Away from America

With Obama’s flip flopping on everything to do with foreign policy, especially when it comes to the Middle East, Israel has increasingly turned elsewhere for new partnerships.  Israel has grown closer to India and China as well as the Eastern African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. Relations are growing with a host of Eastern European countries as well as former Soviet Block nations like Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.

Israelis crave stability and the last few years has put a monkey wrench in their country’s desire to carve a stable environment for their economy and populace to thrive.  Obama’s weak foreign policy has thrashed old paradigms, while creating a host of new challenges.  Trump’s chaos is too much for many Israeli leaders and his ascendancy may well drive Israel further towards China and even Russia. In an environment with increased instability, the Israeli government finds itself in an unenviable position in having to decide on putting stock into an America in decline versus positioning itself as the most reliable country in the Middle East with a neutral foreign policy.

Trump’s rhetoric, although welcome by many in Israel after eight years of a post American foreign policy approach by Obama, is far too erratic and unbalanced to be trusted to force a re-calibration of America’s interests.  More likely it will help entrench those very forces Israel is now dealing with.


Surviving the Coming Chaos Requires a New Paradigm in Partnership Building

Whether we like it or not, the world seems bent on heading into a period of tremendous chaos and instability. Trump’s ascendancy is only part of the reason for this. Other reasons include increased technology usage in developing nations, Islamic fundamentalism, a rising East, an imminent EU collapse, as well as others.

The situation does not have to be dire. Israel needs to continue to build reliable partnerships with countries like India, China, and Kenya.

If we create a partnership between Israel’s inventive capability and China’s manufacturing capability, we will have a winning combination.

Increasing trade ties between China and Israel have now led to discussion concerning a free trade agreement. Already back in 2013 Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “Israel is not as big as China. We have eight million residents, approximately one-third the population of Shanghai. But we manufacture more intellectual property than any other country in the world in relation to its size. If we create a partnership between Israel’s inventive capability and China’s manufacturing capability, we will have a winning combination.”

Israel is seen by many in Sub Saharan Africa as a reliable military and trading partner, with budding relationships mimicking the same trajectory that occurred between Israel and India over a decade ago.

The government will have to figure out what to do about Russia.  They are not going away and Putin may be the best suited to help Israel put pressure on Hezbollah and Iran. Whether it is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, Israel’s traditional geopolitical and economic relationships are permanently resetting. These newer partnerships Israel has been cultivating become an important part of creating a far more stable world order.

Trump: “They have to keep moving forward.”

…they really have to keep going.

As a follow up to yesterday’s Daily Quote, Trump is quoted today in the Daily Mail in response to settlement building as saying: “No, I don’t think it is, because I think Israel should have – they really have to keep going. They have to keep moving forward. No, I don’t think there should be a pause. Look: Missiles were launched into Israel, and Israel, I think, never was properly treated by our country. I mean, do you know what that is, how devastating that is?”

If this is an actual policy, it is seismic as it alters the United States’s policy towards Judea and Samaria since 1967.  It explains why, in many ways the industrial war complex in the USA is very scared of a Trump Presidency.  The military establishment has been playing a neo-colonialist role in the Middle East and elsewhere, by playing one side off each other. Trump seems eager to end all that.

Trump: “Man, would that be a beauty.”

Today’s Daily Quote is from Republican front  runner and consummate deal maker, Donald Trump who was quoted as saying the following on reaching an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal: “I am going to try and make that deal just because – man, would that be a beauty – if you like deals. I like deals. I do deals. That would be great.”

Trump continued: “I’ve never met a person from Israel that didn’t want to make the deal. But it is just a very hard deal to make because it’s years of — of whatever. But I’d love to be able to make that deal.”

Israelis are tired of foreign governments trying to push them into a dangerous peace deal. It would be wise for Donald Trump to leave us alone.  This is one deal he won’t be able to make.

[podcast] My Wall is the Almighty

In my podcast today I discuss the tragic stabbing of Dafna Meir by a Muslim terrorist in front of her house as she defended her children. Otniel where the event occurred is only a 15 minute drive my community. I also discuss the comparison many candidates for the Republican nomination have made between Israel’s security wall and the need for a wall on America’s Southern border.


Israel Behind the News [Dec 9, 2015]

Terror War Continues in Samaria

The latest attack occurred outside the community of Avnei Hafetz.  Residents of the Old City of Jerusalem had been visiting their daughter in Aveni Hafetz when their car came under fire.  The idea that these attacks are lone wolf has become preposterous. The government has in word moved on from this theory, but has not been able to crack the forward momentum of the Arab war across the Land of Israel.  Terror is merely a tactic to be employed to instill fear in the wider public.  Treating terror with band aid or reactive measures will not work.  Only a complete offensive campaign will crush the Jihadist cells and force Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) to sue for peace.  Sadly the government is far reaching this conclusion.

Obama Has Publicly Moved on From Peace in His Time

Obama might have used his time with President Reuven Rivlin repairing his relationship with Israel by saying all the platitudes necessary, but he has squandered years trying to push something on both sides that has no reality on the ground. Sadly if Obama wanted real peace, the One State Solution is the only way forward.

Bibi is Walking a Tight Rope by Meeting Donald Trump

Although the meeting is three weeks away, furor over Trump’s opposition to allowing Muslim immigration while global Jihad is on the march has drawn the ire of just about everyone in the elite wing of both the Democrats and Republicans. Bibi cannot cancel the meeting and it is not his style.  Whether or not Trump always presents issues in a nuanced manner, a vast amount of Israelis agree with the current Republican front runner. Bibi understands this and while he needs to balance the meeting with some PC statement in order to assuage the White House, the meeting will go forward.